We are taking a determined step towards a green future. With the recent installation of a photovoltaic system on our three company roofs, we would like to demonstrate, among other things, our claim to act in a future-oriented and sustainable way.

At the beginning, however, there were some challenges to overcome. The cooperation with the energy supplier was not always easy, because historically we have 2 power grid connections in our buildings, but according to current legislation only one is allowed. So although the potential would have been there for a much larger system and therefore much more green power, we were capped at exactly 172.125 KWp. We finally had to tough it out and accept that. Next irony: we connected the plant when the weather is bad. Understand who will and we can only hope that it can still go this year.

The goal of our ambitious measure? To run the entire operation, including manufacturing machinery, development and electronics departments specializing in the construction of high-precision adapters, on solar energy in the future. In addition, the surplus generated is to be fed into the grid.

Peter Ermer, one of the two managing directors of Adapterbau Kokott, put the situation in a nutshell: “Our motivation is to generate our own electricity and thus be a bit more independent of fluctuating electricity prices. However, if we had known that there would be so much bureaucracy, restrictions and ultimately unnecessary additional costs behind it, we probably would have kept our hands off it.”

Despite the initial challenges, after several weeks of delay, the solar panels were installed by Soluwa company and are now ready to start working. We can look forward to seeing when things finally get underway.